(2 Ratings)

AI & MACHINE LEARNING 1 (Ages 11-15)

Categories: AI, Coding
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About Course

Course Overview: Students learn the basics of machine learning and use a tool called AI Lab to create machine learning models that can be used in App Lab. The unit starts with an overview of machine learning and how computers can use patterns in data to make decisions and predictions. Then, students learn how to use AI Lab to train models from tabular data while exploring issues of bias. Lessons follow a repeating “unplugged – AI Lab – App Lab” pattern so students are continually exposed to the concepts and tools of machine learning. The chapter culminates in a project where students select from a set of real-world datasets to train a machine learning model and create an app.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Create a machine learning model in AI Lab to solve a problem, and use App Lab to create an app that uses their model.
  • Understand how machine learning models make decisions from data

Student Ratings & Reviews

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5 years ago
Very good course, great structure, really easy to follow. Have gone back and forth many times to check on some issues arising on my site. Also very handy to see what kind of plugins are available to serve different purposes.
5 years ago
Excellent feel good fit for my I study and install accounting software. However wow a lot of stuff covered here. For me great. For a lot of others beginners may be a little over whelming. Again for me extremely helpful. I study software in chunks.